Thursday 8 March 2007

Strategies to Avoid Car Repossession

Is Car Repossession a Reality for you?

Do your car loan payments keep you awake at night? Are you threatened by repossession of your car? If you are finding it difficult to manage your payments, you are not alone. There are thousands of Americans who are suffering from the same problem.

Why should you avoid Car Repossession?

You may think that there is no other option than to let the lender take away your car. But, it is important that you leave no stone unturned in avoiding car repossession because of the following reasons:

>> You will not have a car to drive after car repossession

>> It stays on your credit report for seven years

>> People with car repossession do not get car loans easily

>> You will have to pay the balance due on your loan after car repossession

>> Lenders may sue you for the costs associated with repossession of a vehicle.

What Strategies should be followed to avoid Car Repossession?

Car repossession is bad because it has catastrophic complications. So, it is essential that you avoid it with the help of the following strategies:

Make a Few Payments

No lender will repossess your car even when there is a chance of getting back a part of his investment. So, it is important that you make a few payments. It will help you in avoiding car repossession.

Do not worry if unemployment and lack of job opportunities have caused a terrible cash crunch. You can raise money by selling a few of your belongings such as jewellery, extra furniture and other appliances.

Apply for Deferment

Lenders want to do business and earn money. They lose money when they repossess a car because of the following reasons:

a. They have to undertake unnecessary paperwork

b. They have to bear the repossession costs

c. They are unable to generate enough money by selling the car at an auction

d. They still have to recover the balance due on the loan from you.

So, whenever you face the possibility of car repossession, work with your lender. There are chances that he may provide you a deferment of a month or two. The time period is enough to find a new job.

Opt for Loan Restructure

If you can manage a smaller monthly payment, you can ask the lender to restructure your loan. He will extend the loan term and reduce your monthly payment amount. You should not worry about the high amount of interest that you will pay after loan restructure because you can refinance the loan in future.

Sell the Car

If your family has more than one car, you sell your car and share the other car/s with your family members. It will help you avoid the bad credit ratings that accompany repossession.

Remember that selling your car is an option only when your car has equity in it. If you owe more to the lender than the car's current value, you won't be able to repay the lender.

Ask for Help

A friend in need is a friend indeed!

If you cannot sell your car or make smaller payments, ask a friend or a family member to help you make payments. If someone agrees to assume the responsibility, you can transfer the title to his name.

Being in a financial crunch can be distressing, but do not lose hope. By employing the strategies mentioned in this guide, you can work your way out of this terrible situation.

Rapid Car Loans is an online automobile financing company that provides low rate auto loans to people with repossession in past. Contact the company and learn more about quick auto loan approval.

Monday 21 August 2006

Four Questions to Ask Bankruptcy Lawyers Before Choosing One

Filing for bankruptcy is a scary prospect, even if you do so voluntarily. There are several different chapters, each with different rules. Hiring qualified bankruptcy lawyers can make the process easier and protect you from your creditors. However, it can be difficult to choose the best attorney for your case. Ask these four questions to get answers that can help you decide.

Do you charge a flat-fee to represent me?

Hiring any attorney costs money. This is particularly troubling when you are considering filing for insolvency, as money is the cause of the problem in the first place. Some legal practitioners bill by the hour. The good news is that most bankruptcy lawyers charge a flat fee for the entire course of representation. Typically, this fee will include consulting with you and analyzing your circumstances, preparing and filing the necessary documents, and representing you during the insolvency proceedings. Sometimes, creditors challenge the bankruptcy. Other times, creditors can still come in and foreclose on a home. Often, the flat-fee does not cover these additional situations. Before choosing from several bankruptcy lawyers, make sure you understand each attorney's fee arrangement.

Is bankruptcy your primary line of work?

Any licensed attorney can help you file the required paperwork. However, insolvency proceedings involve complex areas of law that do not apply anywhere else. Moreover, deciding what chapter to file involves a detailed analysis of your individual financial situation and expectations. Even a seasoned legal practitioner whose primary work is bringing tort claims or structuring commercial transactions will generally not have the knowledge and skills necessary to adequately protect you from your creditors. You need a legal practitioner who is devoted to handling insolvency cases.

What can I expect from you regarding communication?

It is important to find a legal practitioner whose practice is primarily devoted to handling insolvency cases, but it is equally important to find a legal practitioner who will devote individual attention to your case, because determining the best course of action requires a detailed analysis of your financial situation. You should know how long the legal practitioner will devote to reviewing your situation, how quickly your phone calls will be returned, how frequently the lawyer will update you on case progress, when you can expect pertinent documents to be drafted, and what efforts your advocate will make to cease the creditors' collection efforts.

Will you have staff who assist you on my case?

Bankruptcy lawyers have a substantial number of clients and will not always be directly available to work on your case. There will be routine matters that will need attention, but do not necessarily require the personal attention of the attorney. It is important that the attorney have staff or junior lawyers available to work on the case when the primary legal practitioner is not directly available. However, you should also make sure that the attorney handling the case will personally review the work of junior lawyers and non-attorney staff members.

Asking these important questions will help you to choose from among the many bankruptcy lawyers in your area.

Tuesday 5 July 2005

How to Get Approval for a Home Mortgage Loan

If you are planning to apply for a home loan, check out the following helpful tips to get your application approved.

Know Your Credit Score

Credit activity and credit scores will greatly affect your mortgage approval. Lenders usually require minimum amount of credit score that should be maintained so that your conventional mortgage loan request will not be denied.

Also, having derogatory credit information might hinder mortgage approval. To avoid unwanted denial of your requested loan, you should lower your debts, pay bills on time, and fix errors on credit reports.

Save Your Cash

Mortgage lenders require down payments which depend on the kind of loan. If you have the means, pay a higher down payment. This will lower your balance and alleviates your private mortgage insurance.

Down payment is not the only fee you should be worrying about. Acquiring a mortgage also involves home inspections, title searches, closing costs, application fees, credit report fees and other fees. Save up cash for these payable fees.

Stay at Your Job

Changes on your employment and/or income status will have a major effect on the mortgage process. The information you provided in your application will be the basis of your home loan approval. Giving up a job to be self-employed or getting a lower paying job will make a wrench in the plans, leading to a reevaluation of your finances to check if you're still qualified for the loan.

Pay Debt & Avoid New Debt

Qualifying for a loan doesn't require that your credit card be zero balance. But, it's better that you owe less to your creditors. Your debts determine whether you will get a mortgage or not. Also, it will determine how much you will acquire from the lender. When you have many credit card debts which makes your debt ratio high, the lender might refuse your loan request or provide a lower mortgage.

However, even though you get approval for a mortgage with debt, it is advised that new debt should be avoided while under the mortgage process. Before the mortgage closing, lenders recheck credit and when they found out that there are new debts they can stop the closing.

Have Pre-Approval for a Mortgage

Having your home loan pre-approved will help you determine what you can afford before bidding on properties and what interest rate should you be paying on the loan.

Determine What You Can Afford

Choose a home that will fit your budget. Though some lenders pre-approved applicants for more than what they can afford, be smart, live within your means and purchase a home that you can afford.

If you need loans legal advice on mortgages or other financial matters such as credit cards, car loans, etc., visit CCLS by clicking on the link provided.

Wednesday 15 June 2005

How to Make Money Online at Home and Have Fun

How to make money is on every one's minds and fingertips as they type the words into Google. Today, there are 557,000,000 people doing exactly that.

Over the years there have been various money popular making ideas. I remember looking at importing paintings from China and selling these; some were very acceptable paintings of seascapes, landscapes animals and copies of places, and famous paintings, sold with "guaranteed fakes" written across the back! Another popular idea was to turn a photo of your pet into a painting, both available from local artists and artists in other countries.

I also remember surveys on street corners were all the rage, later there were surveys online, which are still popular. Then there was a spate of get rich quick videos where gurus said they were making millions and had a magic formula. I think there are still some circulating.

Meanwhile membership-websites sprung up where people like Andrew Reynolds and others told you they knew how to make money online. I actually bought one of his very early manuals and a whole load of videos. Admittedly I didn't do anything with them or perhaps I would be a multi-millionaire like him now.

Last night I watched a webinar talking about the latest membership sites and how with this latest tool they could be set up in minutes. Interesting but I think it will take a lot to beat affiliate marketing with a really good mentor to set you on the road to success.

The beauty of affiliate marketing and the system it uses is the fact it has a tried and tested formula, a proven plan not trial and error. Initially you don't even need your own website; you direct traffic to your mentor's sales pages. You have your own affiliate link to track your customers, which is how you get paid.

Some mentors even do much of the marketing when you have introduced customers into their system, often the customers make repeat sales as they become interested in the niche and want to learn more. There could also be training offered in various marketing techniques. Of course it is the mentor's interest to help you as it is their products you are interesting your customers in.

It is a win-win situation in which you help each other as you learn the techniques and get paid. This is a simple entry into online marketing as long as your mentor has quality products and a proven and successful marketing plan; you also gain the added support of other members of the group and the advice of the mentor, so that starting online isn't so scary!

I enjoy learning the new marketing techniques, different methods become popular and more successful, the internet is always changing. I find watching your business grow and develop both fascinating rewarding and fun, and working at home and being my own boss, with time freedom is great, and of course extra cash is also rewarding!

So if all this sounds tempting, do some research into which niche appeals to you, you will find other articles I have written on different aspects of working online, suggested traffic methods etc. Here are also some books that may interest you:

"Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers.

"Ask for the Moon" by Percy Ross

"Thank God it's Monday" by Charles Cameron and Suzanne Elusor, a book to offer strategies for making life more tolerable whilst you make changes.

"Building an Online Cash Cow" by Anthony Barlow.

"Facebook for business" by Bud E Smith

"Email Persuasion" by Ian Brodie

"500 Social Media Tips" by Andrew Macarthy

"Profitable social Media Marketing" by Tim Kitchen and Tachmeem Mirza

"SEO Step by Step" by Caimin Jones

My name is Anne -"We always aim to give more value than you expect"

Best Wishes in your venture, take a look at the information to grow your business FAST.

I would like to introduce you to Sarah Staar's fantastic FREE information videos she has allowed me to share with you. She is a very successful Internet Marketer and Coach. Her videos are very clear and easy to follow - See for your-self NOW whilst they are available to view FREE! You will find several on our website - enjoy!

Tuesday 1 July 2003

Managing Your Credit Scores In Your 20s

Age brings with it wisdom especially when it comes to taking financial decisions. A 40-year-old may be aware about more of credit repair facts and myths as compared to a 20-year-old. However, there may be instances when people may be stuck with similar credit issues irrespective of their age.

To begin with, the key to improve your credit score is - a dynamic focus. You need to seek help from a proficient credit repair specialist and then prioritize certain things as you age in order to do away with the issues that come in your credit domain.

Things to Consider in Your 20s to Improve Your Credit Score:

In your 20s, there are specific things that calls for your attention, when it is about enriching your credit health.

Attend to the five Factors:

The first step to improve your credit score is to have a clear understanding of the rules. The actual status of your credit score is determined by five factors - debt utilization, payment history, new credit, credit length, and diversification. If you were unaware of the essential factors that have an impact on your credit score, you need to work on the strategies that will help you to take care of the five factors.

Repay your student loans:

As stated by The Institute for College Access and Success (TICAS), about 69 percent of the students left college with loans in 2013. The bottom line (which was $28,400) was actually a big burden for the salary of a fresher. You have a choice to stretch the loan for whatever time span you want to (years or even decades), but you also need to keep in mind the downside of the decision.

Adding on the interest will not only increase the principal amount and will also increase the life of the loan. This will increase the overall cost of the loan that you have taken. Paying off your loans at the earliest will lead to a lower credit utilization ratio, better and more opportunity to improve your credit, less stress on your budget, and last but not the least even more opportunities to save.

The final tip:

Credit score plays a vital role in every phase of your life whether you are in your early 20's or 50's and beyond. Analyze your credit score regularly to ensure that you maintain a positive credit and avoid any problems related to your financial plans.

Wednesday 4 June 2003

Want to Quit Your Job and Work for Yourself?

I want to open up this post with an important question: are you living your passion?

If not, it is time to find what is that you love doing. Knowing what is your purpose, your passion, will give a different meaning for your life. It will give you your WHY. And to become successful in the thing that you are doing you need to know why you are doing it.

Let's dig deeper. Do you love your job? Is your job able to provide you the things in life that you desire? Does it allow you the live the lifestyle you want to live?

Changes are you are actually not living the lifestyle of your dreams, because most people think it is impossible to that all year rounds. That's why they are called dreams right? WRONG!

What if I told you could create your dream lifestyle, no matter how crazy it may sound? Are you a business guy who would actually love to travel and surf? Or are you a mom who would want to stay home with your kids? Not a problem! I have found (and use) a solution how to do that: becoming an entrepreneur. And not just what ever entrepreneur, but a FREEDOM-Preneur! So what is a freedom-preneur?

First, freedom has many different meanings to people. What I refer to as a freedom is being able to do what you want, when you want, with who you want, and where you want. For me having freedom is living my dream lifestyle instead of just hoping to have it. And this of course comes back to your why. Freedom is about knowing what it is that you really want. So many of us are going after what we think we should want and as a result our wants are blind and not self-fulfilling.

Entrepreneurs are known for being in business, sharing their techniques and secrets of building a business before others know how. A Freedom-Preneur is about being free and before others know how to do it. Why would we have a business for if not the idea of freedom?

Often, if not too often, we forget to open our minds for new opportunities or possibilities because we only know the one way we learned to get what we want. You need to defy that idea so that the focus is your freedom and not the business aspect. The entrepreneur side is important, but that will come so no need to worry. In becoming a Freedom-Preneur you must know what you want to do, where you want to do it and when you want to do it.

This is your life we are talking about and despite the popular belief, your life is not a business. Ask yourself the following questions:

* What do you really want to do?

* What are your passion and your gift?

* Where would you like to live that passion out?

* What country, setting or at least type of weather?

* Who do you want to be around?

* What times of day do you want to be doing what?

So how do you confidently make the swap from being corporate employee to entrepreneur?

Dream, vision, courage and massive action!

I'm a Finnish girl living the dream in Florida. I'm a combat sports athlete, type-1 diabetic, blogger, entrepreneur and I have a degree in Psychology & Anthropology. I love sports, food, traveling, cultures, writing and living the life in my own terms as my own boss.

Tuesday 6 May 2003

The EASIEST Way to Earn $200 a Day From Home (And The Smart Strategy to Scale Your Sales!)

How many times have you tried to "launch" an online marketing campaign... only to discover it worked far better in the "eBook," than it did for YOUR business?

How often have you chased gadgets, gurus and goofy gimmicks that promised perpetual piles of profit, only to be doomed to disappoint?

If you are anything like the tens of thousands of people who are chasing their dreams right NOW, as you read these very words, with absolutely NOTHING to show for it, you are in really good company. And the truth is, even if you've never made a dime before, it's really NOT your fault.

I want to share with you a very simple, and SCALABLE strategy to turn what you LOVE into a living, and to truly transform your passion and sense of purpose into a perpetual profit.

The bad news? It's not going to happen overnight. And it does take "work". The GOOD news? If you truly LOVE what it is that you are doing, and are committed to the idea of community, and contribution as much as cash flow, you'll never really feel like you are "working" at all. Instead, you'll feel focused and free, and truly blessed to be able to share your gifts with the world, in a way that allows you do work from wherever you want as well.

One more quick thing: This idea is FAR bigger than setting a goal of $200 a day. Or $400 a day. It's about building a brand, a business and a bank account around proven ways to convert your content into a community and your community into clients, and cash.

The core concepts are simple:

1 - First, build your blog, brand and business around doing what you love. Discover what it is that you'd do for FREE everyday, and do that thing every day for the rest of your life, as often as you can, and with as much energy, inspiration and enthusiasm as you can muster.

2 - Focus on making people better. Share your experience and expertise in the niche that you know, and concentrate on doing nothing other than sharing your gifts with those that need what you know most.

3 - Don't think of yourself as a writer or author or speaker or blogger. Think of yourself as a teacher, in whatever niche, market or industry you identified in #1.

Now, here is the simple strategy that will explode your income, well past the $200 a day mark if you follow up with fierce focus and continue to rinse, repeat and scale UP this approach. You have to SCALE this with services, and be willing to re-purpose your content across multiple mediums for maximum speed and success.

Let's look at a really quick outline of how this may work.

1 short Amazon eBook (selling for 2.99)

1 extended eBook with audio file, and follow up Q and A (selling for 12.99)

1 small group coaching program/webinar/teleseminar (selling for $99 for 30 days)

1 private coaching offer for one on one support for 30 days (selling for $499 per month/ or $150 per week)

Lastly, and MOST importantly, create 1 affiliate program for all of the above (outside of Amazon, which has its own) and connect with other people in your profession, and have THEM promote your products, programs, books, blog and brand for FREE... for a percentage of every sale.

You can literally do this using a free service like GUMROAD, without any tech skills or any experience, and have an army of people selling your stuff for you, even if you don't have any connections in the broader community right now.

It's so important to have salable stuff. Once you take this simple step, the sky is truly the limit... and you can scale this in so many cool and creative ways, that this is all just the very tip of the exciting iceberg that your business is about to become!


Convert your content into courses, and your courses into a curriculum.

In other words, organize and structure everything you create into something that is teachable, and salable across multiple mediums and various formats.

One Amazon eBook can easily earn you $50 a day on its own.

One group coaching call with 10 people a month can earn you an extra $1000, this month, using this very approach.

5 people paying you for private coaching can add an additional 2-3 thousand to your bottom line, within the next 60 days.

1 audio and eBook, sold on your own site, or on a marketplace platform like Gumroad, can add another $1000 per month in sales.

And... if you truly want to scale this up in a magical and magisterial fashion, adding a JV element, where your professional peers in your niche become your partners, can explode your income and your appearance of expertise, all with a few days worth of work!

You can take ONE simple book, on simple topic, that illuminates only ONE area of your expertise or niche knowledge within the broader market, and build an entire content marketing campaign, that can transform your income in only a few months, starting TODAY!

Want to earn $200 a day working from home? LAUNCHiT! Learn how to do what you LOVE for a living and wake up the WORLD with your work! The EASIEST way to convert your life purpose and PASSION into perpetual piles of profit..