Wednesday, 15 June 2005

How to Make Money Online at Home and Have Fun

How to make money is on every one's minds and fingertips as they type the words into Google. Today, there are 557,000,000 people doing exactly that.

Over the years there have been various money popular making ideas. I remember looking at importing paintings from China and selling these; some were very acceptable paintings of seascapes, landscapes animals and copies of places, and famous paintings, sold with "guaranteed fakes" written across the back! Another popular idea was to turn a photo of your pet into a painting, both available from local artists and artists in other countries.

I also remember surveys on street corners were all the rage, later there were surveys online, which are still popular. Then there was a spate of get rich quick videos where gurus said they were making millions and had a magic formula. I think there are still some circulating.

Meanwhile membership-websites sprung up where people like Andrew Reynolds and others told you they knew how to make money online. I actually bought one of his very early manuals and a whole load of videos. Admittedly I didn't do anything with them or perhaps I would be a multi-millionaire like him now.

Last night I watched a webinar talking about the latest membership sites and how with this latest tool they could be set up in minutes. Interesting but I think it will take a lot to beat affiliate marketing with a really good mentor to set you on the road to success.

The beauty of affiliate marketing and the system it uses is the fact it has a tried and tested formula, a proven plan not trial and error. Initially you don't even need your own website; you direct traffic to your mentor's sales pages. You have your own affiliate link to track your customers, which is how you get paid.

Some mentors even do much of the marketing when you have introduced customers into their system, often the customers make repeat sales as they become interested in the niche and want to learn more. There could also be training offered in various marketing techniques. Of course it is the mentor's interest to help you as it is their products you are interesting your customers in.

It is a win-win situation in which you help each other as you learn the techniques and get paid. This is a simple entry into online marketing as long as your mentor has quality products and a proven and successful marketing plan; you also gain the added support of other members of the group and the advice of the mentor, so that starting online isn't so scary!

I enjoy learning the new marketing techniques, different methods become popular and more successful, the internet is always changing. I find watching your business grow and develop both fascinating rewarding and fun, and working at home and being my own boss, with time freedom is great, and of course extra cash is also rewarding!

So if all this sounds tempting, do some research into which niche appeals to you, you will find other articles I have written on different aspects of working online, suggested traffic methods etc. Here are also some books that may interest you:

"Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers.

"Ask for the Moon" by Percy Ross

"Thank God it's Monday" by Charles Cameron and Suzanne Elusor, a book to offer strategies for making life more tolerable whilst you make changes.

"Building an Online Cash Cow" by Anthony Barlow.

"Facebook for business" by Bud E Smith

"Email Persuasion" by Ian Brodie

"500 Social Media Tips" by Andrew Macarthy

"Profitable social Media Marketing" by Tim Kitchen and Tachmeem Mirza

"SEO Step by Step" by Caimin Jones

My name is Anne -"We always aim to give more value than you expect"

Best Wishes in your venture, take a look at the information to grow your business FAST.

I would like to introduce you to Sarah Staar's fantastic FREE information videos she has allowed me to share with you. She is a very successful Internet Marketer and Coach. Her videos are very clear and easy to follow - See for your-self NOW whilst they are available to view FREE! You will find several on our website - enjoy!